Songwriting Tips



‘Inspiration exists but it has to find you working’

This Pablo Picasso quote makes a lot of sense.

I believe one of the reasons I have a job as a songwriter / producer is that I sit down and work at it every single day regardless of how I feel.

The romantic image of a poet sitting in a room ,holding a flower with a dreamy look on his face and waiting for the inspiration to strike is what it is: a romantic image.

The thing is, in the art world, a piece is good when you don’t see the work.

An artist is cool when what he does seems effortless.

Music is something non-musicians associate with good times, relaxing times, emotional times, introspection times…anything but work.

When I say to most people that I’m working as a musician and

COMPOSITION / PRODUCTION TIP #1: Layering: The easiest advanced production technique!

Layering parts is huge in music production, it is the easiest thing to do as it’s just about repeating the same thing, and it’s also an advanced technique as selecting the sounds to use when layering requires great skills!

In this video I take an example from my track “Paris Used To Be A Feast” which you can hear here in its final version!:

Here’s the Video: